''413 Hope St.'' is an American drama series which aired on the Fox network in the fall of 1997. The series was co-created by actor/comedian Damon Wayans, who made a stark departure from his usual comedic work. The ensemble cast—headed by film actor Richard Roundtree—included Broadway and future ''Law & Order'' star Jesse L. Martin, soap opera actress Shari Headley, and Wayans' ''In Living Color'' castmate Kelly Coffield. ==Premise== ''413 Hope St.'' was named for the address of a New York City crisis center. Its founder, a successful corporate executive named Phil Thomas (Roundtree), started the center in the building at the site where his teenage son was gunned down after refusing to relinquish his sneakers to a street thug. The topics addressed by the series included drug addiction and recovery, HIV and AIDS, foster care, re-integration into society after incarceration, and homelessness. Despite widespread critical acclaim, the series was cancelled after only 10 episodes, with its final broadcast airing on New Year's Day 1998. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「413 Hope St.」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク